NEWS: Vote Siobhan Benita - Independent Candidate for London Mayor

Siobhan Benita is the only Independent candidate to be running for Mayor of London. This is incredibly encouraging, given that the Labour and Conservative Parties seem to pass the great city of London between themselves like a basketball getting very little achieved in the meantime. Don't let these parties use London as a political prize to be won in some game. Give real change a chance. It would be wonderful if one of the minor parties could secure a victory in London - although The White Ticket cannot support the ideologies of parties that endorse racism. It would be even better if Londoners embrace a candidate whose allegiance is strictly to them and their needs rather than to the needs of their political party. A vote for either Ken or Boris is a wasted vote: both have had their chance and have not delivered for Londoners - both would simply use their status as Mayor to bolster the existing power bases of their adopted parties. London needs to be brave. Ken and Boris think they have it in the bag. It's time to show them that they cannot take Londoners for granted. Even if you are a traditional Conservative or Labour voter, imagine how much you will get from these parties in the future by giving them a shock and voting for an Independent candidate like Siobhan Benita now. Let's make a difference. At very least, check out Siobhan Benita's manifesto here. She is not a single-issue candidate: she's a credible alternative to Ken and Boris. Give change a chance. Vote for Siobhan Benita for London Mayor on May 3rd.

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